Year: 2021 | Month: August | Volume 12 | Issue 2

Online Teaching During COVID-19: An Opinion Analysis of Student-Teachers

Sk Samsul Alli Pravat Kumar Sahoo


In the pandemic situation, students of all stages of education are facing number of problems to get education through online mode. If we talk about the teacher training institutes, the main purpose is to develop certain competencies among student- teachers to become good teachers through practical situation. Providing practical platform is impossible in this uncertain situation. Hence, to minimize the effect of this pandemic, online teaching learning process is continuing in every institution. But, sudden shift of teaching-learning process arises many questions in the mind of investigators such as how fare this online learning helpful for enhancing knowledge and skills among the student-teachers, what will be the opinion of students-teachers towards this teaching environment etc. To search the above curiosities the present study is conducted. For analyzing the opinion of student-teachers, total 150 student-teachers randomly selected from teacher training institutes of Odisha. The finding of the study revealed that student-teachers have favorable opinion towards online teaching during COVID-19 and there is no difference between the opinion of male and female student-teachers towards online teaching. Regarding the problems faced by students during online teaching are technical issues during online class such as connection issue, audio quality, video clarity etc., they are not able to afford a smart phone and its maintenance; and sometime they face health issues like eye pain, headache, fatigue etc. The study also suggested that teacher educators should try to minimize the issues face by students to access online teaching and should organize technology friendly program where the educators teach them how to use effectively online learning platform along with how to access e-material for their study.

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